Genesol 700 series membrane cleaners
Micro bubble membrane cleaners
Single foulants rarely occur on membranes, instead deposits normally exist as complex combinations of different types of foulant - organics, aluminosilicates, inorganic deposits such as iron and manganese and the most common of all - biofilm. Different foulants require different chemical solutions, we therefore used our knowledge of membrane fouling to design a range of chemical cleaners incorporating different physical and chemical technologies to target the key characteristics of typical membrane foulants.
The GENAIRCLEAN system combines multiple cleaning mechanisms which when combined provide the most efficient means of operating a clean system.
Normal Osmosis - movement of permeate to lift deposits from membrane surface
Effervescence - turbulence & agitation of deposits
Detergent, surfactant and chelants - interact with properties of foulants facilitating easier removal.