Application guides
The thinking behind our success
These application guides are designed to offer guidance on a variety of membrane specific topics, for further information please do not hesitate to ask your Genesys contact for technical support.
AG11 - Genairclean
Enhanced cleaning of RO/NF spiral wound membranes using “microbubbleâ€Â..
AG9 - SWRO Fouling & Scaling
A statistical review of the results of 99 sea water RO membrane autopsies, from ..
AG8 - BWRO Antiscalants
Phosphonates offer the best combination of scale inhibiting efficiency, metal io..
AG7 - Cleaning reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes
All RO/NF installations experience a degree of membrane fouling which will impac..
AG6 - Biofouling control of RO membranes during operation & shut down
Correct preservation of off-line systems is vital to ensure that membranes do no..
AG5 - Genesys CAS Calcium sulphate antiscalant
Genesys CAS antiscalant allows brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) with high s..
AG4 - RO Pre-treatment - safe use of cationic flocculant
Genefloc GPF is a membrane compatible low dose, poly amine cationic flocculant. ..
AG3 - Alternative Autopsy Techniques
Comprehensive studies of membrane autopsy results show that 60% of failures test..
AG2 - Clay deposit removal from membranes
Genesys membrane laboratories in Madrid show that the majority of deposits found..
AG1 - WWRO Antiscalant replaces acid dosing
Genesys PHO has been found to reduce or eliminate the need for acid dosing in hi..