Research papers
The thinking behind our success
Microbubble Membrane Cleaning
In-depth research into the next generation of cleaners
Safe use of microbubbles for removal of RO membrane fouling
The authors have shown a dramatic improvement in cleaning efficiency when efferv..
Air bubbles enhance membrane cleaning: a future perspective
Air bubbles generated using a novel micro-bubble generator have displayed a dram..
RO membrane cleaning past, present, future - innovations for improving RO plant operating efficiency
This paper reviews current thinking on reverse osmosis (RO) membrane cleaning. I..
Membrane Cleaning & Biofilm Control
Understanding the different foulants and how they work is vital to a successful cleaning approach. How you clean has a major impact on cleaning frequency, membrane life and therefore cost...
Results of a neutral pH cleaner that removes complex fouling and metals from membranes
Fifty years after the commercialisation and widespread use of membranes for wate..
Predictive membrane cleaning
Cleaning biofouled membranes early improves plant operation. Comparison of autop..
Cleaning clay (aluminosilicates) from fouled membranes
Within the lifetime of most reverse osmosis (RO) systems some fouling will adver..
Innovations in the inhibition and cleaning of reverse osmosis mebrane scaling and fouling
Scaling and fouling of membranes are an on-going performance issue for most plan..
Biofilm removal - a practical approach
Within the lifetime of most reverse osmosis (RO) systems some fouling will adver..
Evaluating impact of fouling on reverse osmosis membranes performance
Membrane fouling is commonly defined as an undesirable formation of deposits on ..
Speciality Antiscalants & System Optimisation
The correct use of antiscalants in both Brackish and Sea Water RO systems has been proven to have a major impact on operational efficiency. The papers below detail our experiences on optimising operating conditions with a different variety of limiting scaling species...
Calcium Phosphate
Theoretical and Practical experience of calcium phosphate inhibition in waste wa..
Calcium Sulphate
Cost saving case study using a calcium sulphate specific antiscalant..
Reducing operational costs in high silica, 18,000M3/DAY BWRO in Arica, Chile..
Silica (Spanish)
Reducing operational costs in high silica, 18,000M3/DAY BWRO in Arica, Chile....
The role of chemicals in this thirsty planet
As all the chemical elements and most of their attributable compounds are known ..
Pre-treatment Optimisation (use of flocculants)
Research has proven that over 60% of membranes fail due to issues with the pre-treatment system…
Suitability of cationic flocculants for RO membranes
As it has already been published and demonstrated, one of the main causes of mem..
Membrane Compatible Flocculants
The safe use of cationic flocculants with reverse osmosis membranes..
Understanding & optimising pre-treatment systems
Simple laboratory techniques to improve the operation of RO pre-treatment system..
Membrane Autopsy Techniques & Membrane Troubleshooting
Membrane autopsy is key to understanding why membranes fail and how we can prevent further failure...
UF membranes autopsies: an approach to hollow fiber membranes surface
Genesys Membrane Products S.L. (GMP) laboratory has demonstrated a broad experie..
Technical assistance service UF membranes autopsy description
To find out more about the processes Genesys use for UF membrane autopsy..
A study of the physical and chemical damage on reverse osmosis membranes detected by autopsies
Water treatment by reverse osmosis technology has as main aim to reject the maxi..
In depth understanding of membrane failure
Results from 99 seawater RO membrane autopsies..
Membrane troubleshooting
Problems of operation and main reasons for failure of membrane in tertiary treat..